Abiding Capital Australian Smart Beta Fund™

This is a long only Australian equity fund that seeks to achieve medium term capital growth by investing in listed companies using Abiding Capital’s unique Smart Beta model. This factor-based model takes into account the quality of earnings, strength of balance sheet, net debt, free cash flow and sector prominence. Each participant is ranked within 5 categories, currently these are: Energy Security, Food Security, Future Minerals, Reflation and Supply Chain Management.   

The method follows a systemic and quantitative approach and over 10+ years of operation has consistently outperformed the S&P/ASX 200 benchmark. As well as this, the Abiding Capital Australian Smart Beta Fund™ provides clarity and certainty as to its method because it abides by the investment model outlined.

Abiding Capital Global Discretionary Fund

The purpose of this fund is to generate absolute returns by investing in global markets. It consists of a managed portfolio invested in equities, bonds, currencies, commodities, derivatives and other securities. The fund’s strategy is long-short, leveraged and not restricted by region, sector, duration, instrument or any other criteria.

Abiding Capital Disruptive Technologies Fund

As the name suggests, this strategy seeks to capture opportunities in those businesses that are likely to shape the future economy. By identifying potential exponential growth within specific innovative themes such as cloud computing, clean energy, genomics, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. The fund also invests in crypto assets, Defi and blockchain projects.